CLS Trainingen

Google Cloud Digital Leader (2024)

Algemene informatie over de cursus

Explore during the course Google Cloud Digital Leader (2024) Google Cloud products and cloud computing basics and how they benefit organizations as you prepare for the Cloud Digital Leader certification exam.

The package includes access to the e-learning modules for 12 months.

This training is for anyone who wishes to demonstrate their knowledge of cloud computing basics and how Google Cloud products and services can be used to achieve an organization's goals.


You are familiar with the basic principles of cloud computing.


This course concerns self-study. You determine the study duration yourself. You have access to the training for one year.


De maximale groepsgrootte bedraagt acht deelnemers. Er is tijdens deze training voldoende ruimte voor persoonlijke aandacht.


After completing the course you are able to participate in Google Cloud Digital Leader exam.

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