CLS Trainingen

Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer | PL-500

Algemene informatie over de cursus

Candidates for the course Microsoft Power Automate RPA Developer (PL-500) automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks by using Microsoft Power Automate. They review solution requirements, create process documentation, and design, develop, troubleshoot, and evaluate solutions.

Candidates work with business stakeholders to improve and automate business workflows. They collaborate with administrators to deploy solutions to production environments, and they support solutions.

Learning goals

  • design RPA solutions;
  • develop RPA solutions;
  • deploy and manage RPA solutions.

This course helps to prepare for exam PL-500.

If you are a developer with a keen interest in providing automated solutions for your organization, this certification could be a great fit for you. You automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks by using Microsoft Power Automate. You review solution requirements, create process documentation, and design, develop, deploy, integrate, troubleshoot, and evaluate solutions. Working with business stakeholders, you help to improve and automate business workflows.


Candidates should have experience with JSON, cloud flows and desktop flows, integrating solutions with REST and SOAP services, analyzing data by using Microsoft Excel, VBScript, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), HTML, JavaScript, one or more programming languages, and the Microsoft Power Platform suite of tools (AI Builder, Power Apps, Dataverse, and Power Virtual Agents).


This course lasts four days.


The size of the group is a maximum of twelve candidates.


This course will help to prepare for exam PL-500. The exam fees amount € 200,00 and are not included.

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