CLS Trainingen

Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect | SC-100

Algemene informatie over de cursus

The course Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect | SC-100 prepares students with the background to design and evaluate cybersecurity strategies in the following areas: Zero Trust, Governance Risk Compliance (GRC), security operations (SecOps), and data and applications. Students will also learn how to design and architect solutions using zero trust principles and specify security requirements for cloud infrastructure in different service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS).

Course outcomes:

  • design a Zero Trust strategy and architecture;
  • evaluate Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) technical strategies and security operations strategies;
  • design security for infrastructure;
  • design a strategy for data and applications.


The course is meant for IT professionals with advanced experience and knowledge in a wide range of security engineering areas, including identity and access, platform protection, security operations, securing data, and securing applications. They should also have experience with hybrid and cloud implementations.


Attendees of this course must haveaAdvanced experience and knowledge in identity and access, platform protection, security operations, securing data and securing applications. They also must have experience with hybrid and cloud implementations. Recommended: - M-SC300 - Microsoft Identity and Access Administrator (SC-300); - M-SC400 - Microsoft Information Protection Administrator (SC-400).


This course lasts four days.


The sice of the group is a maximum of twelve candidats.


After the course you will receive a certificate.

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