CLS Trainingen

Microsoft Azure Administrator | AZ-104

Algemene informatie over de cursus

Learn how to manage Azure subscriptions, implement storage solutions, configure virtual networking, create and scale virtual machines, back up and share data, connect on-premises sites with Azure, manage network traffic, implement Azure Active Directory, secure identities, and monitor your solutions.

The course Microsoft Azure Administrator (AZ-104) is for Azure Administrators. Azure Administrators manage the cloud services that span storage, networking, and compute cloud capabilities, with a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle.

They take end-user requests for new cloud applications and make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor and adjust as appropriate. This role requires communicating and coordinating with vendors.

Azure Administrators use the Azure Portal and as they become more proficient they use PowerShell and the Command Line Interface.

Purpose of this course: rampup in order to pass for for exam AZ-104 'Microsoft Azure Administrator' and obtain the Microsoft Role-Based certificate Microsoft Ceritified Azure Administrator Associate.

Lunches and course materials are included. Exam fees are not included.

Candidates for this course are Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Candidates have a deep understanding of each service across the full IT lifecycle, and take requests for infrastructure services, applications, and environments. They make recommendations on services to use for optimal performance and scale, as well as provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.

Candidates should have proficiency in using PowerShell and the Command Line Interface. Candidates should have a basic familiarity or knowledge of Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.


Introduction to Microsoft Azure for IT Professionals & Developers (AZ-091) is required. The following knowledge is adviced: - understanding of on-premises virtualization technologies, including: VMs, virtual networking, and virtual hard disks; - understanding of network configuration, including TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS), virtual private networks (VPNs), firewalls, and encryption technologies; - understanding of Active Directory concepts, including domains, forests, domain controllers, replication, Kerberos protocol, and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP); - understanding of resilience and disaster recovery, including backup and restore operations.


The course lasts four days.


The size of the group is a maximum of twelve candidates.


After the course you can participate in the exam. The exam fees are not included.

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