CLS Trainingen

Programming in C# (via e-learning)

Algemene informatie over de cursus

The course Programming in C# (e-learning) provides full coverage of the programming skills required to create Windows applications using C#. This new and exciting course also provides knowledge on language syntax, C# program structure and implementation details.

This course provides you the needed training for building new data types, handling events, accessing a database, using remote data, integrating with unmanaged code, as well as the knowledge and skills to perform operations asyncrhonously, creating custom attributes and more.

The package includes:

  • 12 months online access, featuring on demand instructor-led classroom sessions with full audio and video lectures;
  • unique Course Content;
  • expert-led Video Courses;
  • quizzes;
  • navigation & controls;
  • discussion Board.

The course prepares for the exam 070-483 Programming in C#. This exam is retired.

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to program in C #.


We expect participants to have knowledge of a programming language, regardless of which one.


This course concerns self-study. You determine the study duration yourself. You have access to the training for one year.


De maximale groepsgrootte bedraagt acht deelnemers.


The course prepares for the exam 070-483 Programming in C#. This exam is retired. 

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  • Indien gewenst mag de onderwijsinstelling waar ik mijn aanvraag naar stuur mijn gegevens bewaren om mij van advies te voorzien;
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