Kronenburgh Business College

Foundation year / pré university: International Business and Management (full-time) (one year) The Hague

Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?

Is your country too small for you and is the world you?re playing field? Are you interested in cultural differences? Can you quickly establish good contact with people and are you going for a win-win? Do you see export opportunities in the market for new products or services? Do you want to search for the best producers and start importing?

In an increasingly globalised economy, it is essential that students develop a sound knowledge of the key business functions and how they work together, as well as an appreciation of factors including customer and market requirements, competition, sustainability, and economic, political, and technological change.

So, is there an international entrepreneur in you?

Then start the International Business BTEC 3 Extended diploma program at Kronenburgh International Business School.

The BTEC 3 extended diploma program is referred to as a pré university or foundation programme. Many universities recognize this diploma as an admission ticket to the bachelor program. You also get access to the Kronenburgh International Business School in The Hague The Netherlands.


Study program

The program is developed for students who want to be trained as an assistant manager within an international working enterprise or who want to move on to a Bachelor Business and Management program.BTEC 3 Extended Diploma International Business units
  • Research and Plan a Marketing Campaign
  • Principles of Management
  • Business Decision Making
  • Business Finance + Cost and Management Accounting
  • Entreprise and Entrepreneurs / Launch and Run an Enterprise / Survival and Growth
  • Intrepreneurship and Innovation in an Enterprise
  • Developing an Enterprise Strategy
  • Market research
  • Branding
  • Sales Techniques and Processes
  • Investigating Customer Services
  • Managing an Event
  • Digital Marketing
  • International Business
  • Business Internship / Vocational Practice.


1 jaar


Lesgeld/cursuskosten: EUR 14495
Studiemateriaal: EUR 775


Further learning

After completing the Foundation program students can progress directly into employment. You can also continue your study at Kronenburgh International Business School for Associate (Higher National Certificate) or Bachelor Business and Managementar (Higher National Diploma and Top-up).

Plaatsen / leslocaties

The Hague

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