Kronenburgh Business College

Research and Plan a Marketing Campaign (Bedrijfsopleiding - Den Haag / Online)

Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?

So a business organisation must make sure it understands the needs of its prospective customers and then enable them to find out about the product or service and how it will benefit them. A careful marketing campaign will help the organisation to achieve this. But while comunicating this should also support the brand you are building.

In this unit, you will learn how a marketing campaign is planned and developed. You will explore a range of different objectives that can be included in a marketing campaign such as increasing sales or market share, or establishing a brand image, and explore the various stages of the process an organisation goes through when developing its campaign. Using your understanding of these factors, and of marketing models and tools, you will develop your own costed marketing campaign for a given product.

You will examine the marketing aims and objectives for existing products and use your own independent market research data to make recommendations about the type of marketing campaign a business organisation should undertake. To complete the assessment task within this unit, you will need to draw on your learning from across your programme.


Programme content

A Explore how different markets are researched using different models and toolsA1 The role of marketingA2 Market research methodsA3 Business models used in marketingB Explore approaches to product marketing nationally and internationallyB1 Research the characteristics of a marketB2 Research marketing campaignsB3 Research the application of the promotional mixC Develop a plan for a marketing campaign for a new productC1 Marketing aims and objectivesC2 Developing the rationaleC3 The application of the marketing mixC4 The marketing campaignC5 Appropriateness of a marketing campaignC6 Formal business reports


6 dag


Lesgeld/cursuskosten: EUR 545
Studiemateriaal: EUR 0

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