Hogeschool Inholland

Aeronautical Engineering (English Stream)

Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?

An aeronautical engineer designs and constructs aircrafts and aircraft components. These design activities are at the heart of the programme. Centring on these activities, you will learn about engineering in general and you will also acquire practical experience during your work placements. You will graduate from the Aeronautical Engineering programme as a Bachelor of Engineering in the broad field of the aircraft and space industry. Outside this industry, you will be able to work as an engineer in research and development departments, construction companies and, for example, the automotive industry


The programme has a study load of approximately forty hours a week. Some components take more time than others and this will vary individually. Your schedule will comprise:
  • classes
  • training lessons
  • practical assignments
  • projects
  • homework
  • preparation and write-up of class work
In the first year, approximately twenty hours will be scheduled for classes, which means you will be expected to do a lot of independent study as well.

The first two years of your studies will be dominated by the Aeronautical Engineering programme, which falls within the major Technical Engineering. In the first year, you will learn to work on projects, developing your technical skills in various areas within the aeronautical field, such as:
  • design
  • measurement engineering
  • mechanics
  • production technology
In the second year, you will undertake the tests and selection processes for your pilot training. It is not until after the tests at the end of the second year, that you will decide whether or not you want to become an airline transport pilot and to take the relevant training. You will also spend the second year developing all the skills that make an aeronautical engineer so special. Moreover, you will study subjects such as aerodynamics, aircraft structures and aircraft systems maintenance.

In the third year, you will begin pilot training after a third-year work placement lasting three months. You will be taught theory at the Dutch National Aviation School (NLS) in Hoofddorp. You will also take the corresponding examinations. The final year of your studies will be dedicated to the practical component of pilot training and the conclusion of your programme. You will be given flying lessons at the NLS location in Portugal. You will also complete the Aeronautical Engineering programme. At the end of the programme, you will therefore be able to call yourself both an airline transport pilot and an aeronautical engineer!


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In het hoger onderwijs moet je collegegeld betalen aan de hogeschool of universiteit. Bij een hoger onderwijsinstelling die door de overheid gefinancierd wordt, is het collegegeld voor bepaalde groepen vastgesteld. Naast deze kosten krijg je te maken met schoolkosten, zoals boekenkosten, reiskosten etc. Deze bijdrage verschilt per school.

  • Voltijdse opleiding:
Volg je een voltijdse opleiding dan bedraagt het collegegeld voor het studiejaar 2023/2024 € 2.314,-

  • Deeltijd of duale opleiding:
Volg je een deeltijd of duale opleiding dan bedraagt het collegegeld voor het studiejaar 2023/2024 tussen de € 1.377,- en maximaal € 2.314,-. Dit bedrag wordt door de instelling vastgesteld.

Het wettelijk collegegeld wordt jaarlijks geïndexeerd.


Na deze opleiding kun je doorstromen naar een aansluitende masteropleiding aan een universiteit.

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