Kronenburgh Business College

Business Law (BTEC4 HNC unit) The Hague / Online)

Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?

Doing business internationally requires being familiar with the legal context of international trade. Think about Private Law, European Law, Negotiations, Courts, free movement of goods, persons, services and capital, competition law, cariage, incoterms, payment and entry modes. In short, a whole world to become familiar with and to anticipate risks.


College programme

By the end of this unit a student will be able to:LO1 Explain the nature of the legal systemLO2 Illustrate the potential impact of the law on a businessLO3 Examine the formation of different types of business organisationsLO4 Recommend appropriate legal solutions to resolve areas of dispute.You will write an assignment that covers the learning outcomes.

Toelatingseisen: wat heb je nodig?

Admission Criteria

The unit is at university level (HBO).Your level of English should be at the level of mbo4, havo or vwo / Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B1PTE 51, IELTS 5.5; Reading and Writing must be at 5.5,or equivalent.Students that have studied in English for last two years als have acces.


5 dag


Lesgeld/cursuskosten: EUR 675
Studiemateriaal: EUR 130

Plaatsen / leslocaties

The Hague

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