Kronenburgh Business College

Branding (Business training - The Hague / Online)

Beroepsbeeld: waar werk je en wat doe je?


Brands surround us in our everyday lives. Brands can help give people identity and image. Marketing is often brand driven, with the objective of establishing a product (good or service) with a separate identity in consumers? minds, making the product desirable, wanted and even needed. Messages are carefully crafted to build customer views and expectations of the products associated with the brand.
Constant advances in digital-based processes and systems, and changes in customer behaviour and their use of social media, present a challenge to maintain, develop or reinforce brand identity. 



  • Classroom and/or Online education (Blended Learning) and exam training;- Provides an exemption within the programme Medewerker Marketing / Online Marketeer MBO4;- Good balance of theory and practice: apply immediately;- Motivated fellow students;- Lecturers from the field;- Afternoon and evening lectures: employer and employee invest together;- Start and end of lectures outside rush hour;- College building very easily accessible by public transport;- Trained at Kronenburgh? Then you make the difference!In short, all the advantages of private education: a solid education.


6 dag


Lesgeld/cursuskosten: EUR 545
Studiemateriaal: EUR 45

Plaatsen / leslocaties

Den Haag

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